Would you like a better smile? If you want the perfect smile quickly, dental veneers in Streator, IL, is the best way to achieve that.
What Are Dental Veneers?
Veneers are extremely thin shells made of composite or porcelain customized to fit over the fronts of teeth. Your dentist in Streator, IL, can perform the procedure.
Composite Versus Porcelain Veneers
- Composite Veneers
These use a dental bonding material made of acrylic and glass particles. Composite veneers are significantly cheaper than porcelain veneers, but they don’t last as long—only four to eight years or so. They also have to be repaired or replaced more often, so keep that in mind when deciding.
- Porcelain Veneers
These resist stains and are stronger than composite veneers. They are securely bonded to your existing teeth. In addition, they are incredibly flawless and natural-looking. Providing you with an amazing smile. They also last quite a bit longer than composite veneers. An impressive 10-15 years or so. If they are properly cared for. But, of course, they are also more expensive than composite veneers.
What Dental Issues Do Veneers Correct?
Veneers can correct almost any dental imperfection.
For example:
- Stained teeth that can’t be fixed with a whitening option.
- Broken, worn down, misshapen, or chipped teeth.
- Gaps between your teeth.
- Teeth that are too small.
- Teeth with eroded enamel.
Who Is a Good Candidate for Dental Veneers?
If you want veneers, you must have good oral health. You will also need to have enough tooth enamel, a good oral hygiene routine, and not have an issue with grinding your teeth.
Looking for a Dentist in Streator, IL?
Getting dental veneers is extremely exciting! Please Contact Streator Family Dental today. We would love to perfect your smile.